Roar like a Lion
Today is the last day of March, and unlike the saying, it definitely didn’t go out like a lamb. We have had high winds for days, and today was no exception. The wind drifted in several roads around VOS, including ours, and it snowed steadily all day long. By the time the storm passed, we had just under 4 inches on our deck. The guys set out a couple of hours before daybreak to get started on the route. They’re starting in Placer, and then they’ll be working on VOS, and the lower elevations.
As always, please reach out to Carey and Christin with any questions. We can see their locations, and we are happy to let you know when you might see them. Help them expedite the route by moving cars out of the way, or letting your renters know that they will need to move their vehicles as well. We will stop and honk, but we can’t wait any longer than 5 minutes before we will have to move on.
Stay warm out there!