Holy Moly! What a Storm!

Now THIS is what we’re talking about! Last night’s storm dumped almost 10 inches on our corner of heaven, and thank goodness, because we desperately needed it. Christian and Clint are out all day today and tomorrow to get you guys cleared out, so rest assured, you will see them.

As always, we ask you not to text, call, or email either Christian or Clint while they are out on the route. This is because it can distract them and cause delays to the route, taking even longer to get to you guys. You know you don’t want that, and neither do we. If you have questions or concerns about your service, contact Carey Bjornnes or Christin Lander and we can get you sorted out.

With a storm this size, everyone is going to get done, so please be patient and know that you’ll see our vehicles rolling through very soon.

Stay warm, and honestly stay inside. This one is a doozy and the roads are a mess. Better to stay put with a roaring fire, cocoa, and slippers.


And it's not over yet!


Finally some decent snow!