Let It Snow? Please?
This week we got a couple of minor storms, and the guys were out checking driveways and shoveling all week ahead of last night’s intended storm. They’re out again today, checking on driveways after the meager snowfall we got last night (2.5”, come on, what?!). Please try to help them out by making sure that your cars are out the way and all of your obstacles are still properly marked. If you have renters, please let them know that they need to have their cars parked out of the way, and if we honk, we can only wait a maximum of 5 minutes for them to come out before we have to move on. If you see them pull in and leave without dropping the blade, know that this is because there’s not enough snow in the driveway to meet the trigger. Remember: we measure from the middle of the driveway, not the edges where it rolls off and builds up.
If you have any questions, give Carey Bjornnes or Christin Lander a call and we can sort it out.
Stay safe and warm out there.