Family Health Emergency

Hello! This is not a typical blog post, as we haven’t received the snow quite yet, but we needed to reach out to you all and give you a heads up, since there’s some snow in the forecast this week.

Some of you may know already, but Christian’s father has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. We had been searching for a window over the holiday school break for a time to go see him in Arizona, with little luck. Finally, we decided to jump on the break between storms that was originally forecast for this week…but now it seems that Mother Nature had other plans.

The weather forecast is predicting 3 inches on Monday and possibly another 2 on Tuesday. Up at altitude, we know that that could mean anything from 0-57 inches, so you can definitely expect to see Clint in your driveway this week. However, we are asking that you be extra patient and kind to him, as he’s completing the entire route on his own this time, while Christian and Carey deal with these difficult and distressing family issues. Christin Lander is available via text to answer any questions you have, so please feel free to reach out to her. We ask respectfully that you do not contact Christian, as he has his hands full with his father.

We thank you so much for your care and consideration during this difficult time.




Keep it comin'!