Let It Snow!
The guys spent today getting the equipment ready for the storm, while it snowed steadily all day long. As I write this after midnight, the snow is still falling and we’ve got about 6 inches on our deck in Valley of the Sun. Christian will be heading out at 2 am, with Clint following at dawn. Looks like it’s gonna be a long couple of days in the trucks for these guys. If you see them, remember they’re working really hard and maybe give them a smile and a wave; they deserve it.
As a reminder- please do not call, text, or email Christian or Clint while they are plowing. This can be distracting, and we don’t want them to get hurt or cause any damage because they are trying to answer your call. Carey and Christin can handle all of your inquiries, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of us (Carey- 469.396.4601; Christin- 469.396.6141). Please remember that we are a professional service, and we honor our contracts. Our contracts state that we will be there to clear you out within 48 hours of the storm passing. If there’s 4 inches or more in your driveway, rest assured that we will be there.