Welcome to January

Holy moly, the wind today was insane! In addition to dropping about 3-4 inches, the blowing snow and gusting wind created an honest-to-goodness blizzard out there. I hope you weren’t out driving in it! Poor Christian had to go get a prescription for our sick kiddo, and was gone all day, thanks to the storm and precarious driving conditions! Thank God he made it home safe!

As it’s getting late, the gents are already in bed and prepped for another early morning in the trucks/loader. Christian is planning to hit the road between 2 and 3 am to start his route, with Clint heading out once the sun is up. As a reminder- please do not call or text Christian or Clint while they are plowing. This can be distracting, and we don’t want them to get hurt or cause any damage because they are trying to answer your call. Carey and Christin can handle all of your inquiries, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of us (Carey- 469.396.4601; Christin- 469.396.6141). Please remember that we are a professional service, and we honor our contracts. Our contracts state that we will be there to clear you out within 48 hours of the storm passing. There is no need to ask if we are coming…if there’s 4” or more in your driveway, rest assured that we will be there.


Christian left at MIDNIGHT, if you can believe it! If you see him out there, give him a smile and a wave, because that man is going to be tired when he gets home!


Let It Snow!


Happy New Year to everyone, and especially to Ullr!