That Mountain Life
Nothing quite prepares you for life up here. It’s breathless, both literally and figuratively, and I don’t think I’ve ever lived anywhere with crazier weather. You can be having a blizzard in town, and up at our house in Valley of the Sun, it’s barely a dusting, and vice versa. Yesterday was no exception! As I made my way home, it was snowing, blowing, and at times, whiteout and then a hundred feet further it was clear(ish) and eerily calm. Some roads were icy, thanks to the warm weather we’ve had over the last few days, some were powder, and some were slush. There was no steady consistency to it at all, and it was perfect example of how you really need to be prepared for anything up here, especially in the dead of winter.
Christian and Clint left around 4 pm to start the route up in Blue River and Placer, where it was dumping all afternoon. Thankfully, we were spared the worst of it here in Fairplay, but we still got a decent dump- when all said and done, we’ve probably received just about the trigger of 4 inches. Clint had some mechanical issues with one of our trucks, so he’s going to head back out early this morning in the skid steer, while Christian was out late into the night in the loader clearing the Valley.
As always, we ask you not to contact either Christian or Clint directly. We want them to finish up as quickly and safely as possible, and the best way to do that is to leave them alone and just let them do their thing. If you have any questions, please call the main line, Carey, or Christin. We are happy to help if we can. :)
Stay warm and safe!