Holy Moly Let it SNOW!!!

Well, after weeks of storm warnings for storms that missed us and buried Northern Colorado, we finally got a good one! Yesterday’s storm dumped well over 6 inches on our little gulch in Valley of the Sun, with even more up at the higher elevations. It was a beautiful, snowy day at last.

Christian and Clint left to start their routes at about 2 am, starting in Valley of the Sun before they head up to Placer. Just to give you a heads up, it might take us the full 48 hours to clear this storm. With this kind of accumulation, it always takes a bit longer, and additionally, we are 2 trucks down at the moment, so it’s all going to be done in equipment, which is more efficient but also much slower. Please be patient with us as we dig you out. We are coming, don’t worry.

As always, we ask you not to contact either Christian or Clint directly. We want them to finish up as quickly and safely as possible, and the best way to do that is to leave them alone and just let them do their thing. If you have any questions, please call the main line, Carey, or Christin. We are happy to help if we can.


First significant storm of February!


That Mountain Life