Let It Snow? Please?
This week we got a couple of minor storms, and the guys were out checking driveways and shoveling all week ahead of last night’s intended storm. They’re out again today, checking on driveways after the meager snowfall we got last night (2.5”, come on, what?!). Please try to help them out by making sure that your cars are out the way and all of your obstacles are still properly marked. If you have renters, please let them know that they need to have their cars parked out of the way, and if we honk, we can only wait a maximum of 5 minutes for them to come out before we have to move on. If you see them pull in and leave without dropping the blade, know that this is because there’s not enough snow in the driveway to meet the trigger. Remember: we measure from the middle of the driveway, not the edges where it rolls off and builds up.
If you have any questions, give Carey Bjornnes or Christin Lander a call and we can sort it out.
Stay safe and warm out there.
Early Spring? I don't think so!
Punxsutawney Phil might think Spring is coming early, but we Coloradans know better. February started off with a nearly a foot falling on Valley of the Sun, with more up in the higher elevations. The guys set off before dawn to start the route, and will be plowing all day long. Hopefully, the light and fluffy snow will make things go quickly, but you never know. Just be patient and know that we will get to you.
This storm is slated to continue all day, so it is possible that we will plow and then have to come back tomorrow or Monday. As always, we ask that you do not call, text, or email Christian or Clint while they are on the route. Interrupting them to ask if they’re going to plow is disruptive and can cause delays to the route or even put their lives or your property at risk. We know you don’t want that, and we definitely don’t want that either. If you have any questions, or if you’re worried that you got skipped, please call Carey Bjornnes or Christin Lander and we can get it sorted out.
Stay safe out there, and enjoy this gorgeous snow day!
Finally a break...time for some back-breaking shoveling!
Phew, this was a beat down! The guys were plowing for 7 days straight, Sat-Sat, and took a much needed rest on Sunday. They were back out yesterday, shoveling decks for those of you who paid the additional retainer for shoveling services. PLEASE NOTE: unless you request this service at the beginning of the season, we do not shovel as part of our standard contract. This has caused some confusion in the past, so please be aware that we do not shovel automatically unless you have requested it and paid the retainer. If this is a service you’d like to add, please let us know and we can determine availability.
Thankfully, last night’s snowfall didn’t reach the trigger, with only about 2 inches falling on Valley of the Sun. This means that shoveling will continue today and likely tomorrow, maybe even Thursday. We ask that you please be patient. Christian and Clint might look like hot young stallions, but they are in their 40s and this is truly back-breaking work.
Stay safe on the roads out there. Warmer temps plus light snowfall equals ice, and let me tell you, it’s a slippery mess out there. Happy Tuesday, everyone!
It just keeps coming!
This storm has been absolutely crazy and it just keeps on coming. It has snowed continuously since Saturday, with small breaks here and there. Coupled with intense winds, this one has made an absolute mess of our neighborhoods. Heck, between yesterday morning and afternoon, our road almost completely drifted over. This one is a nasty one, so I would strongly advise you to stay home if that’s possible. Check the weather before you come up and go to CDOT to check the road conditions and cameras. Make sure you have water, food, blankets, flashlights, and candles in your car just in case, as well as shovels, chains, and any other device that can help with traction. Know where your tow points are and if you have straps, ropes, or tow chains, bring those too. You do not want to be stuck out in this. Trust me. I spent the better part of an hour digging a friend out of a drift yesterday, and it was a full-body workout to say the least.
Christian and Clint have been plowing 12 hours per day for the last 5 days, and there’s no immediate end in sight. They’re back out again today and will keep going until this is done and everyone is totally clear. Please do not text, call, or email them during this time. They need to focus so that we can all get through this, and stopping to answer messages will only delay things. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Carey and Christin and we will do our best to help you.
Stay warm and stay safe, and if possible, stay home. If you don’t need to be out in this, don’t be. :)
UPDATE 01/18/24 10:30 AM-
After speaking to Park County Road & Bridge this morning, the consensus is that if you don’t absolutely HAVE to be out in this, please stay home. They quite strongly advised me of this, There is a blocked culvert (or possible burst pipe) creating a massive 10-12” deep frozen flood on CR 14, and as such all available road crews are working on that today. Tertiary roads (nonemergency routes through the neighborhoods) will not be plowed until the situation is resolved. This means that unless you are very lucky, it’s likely that your road and all the surrounding roads are going to be drifted with massive 2-4 foot drifts and a whole lot of people stuck in the ditch. The fewer people on the road, the better.
And it's not over yet!
Boy oh boy, this storm has been a doozy! Temps have been below zero all weekend, with wind chills up to -30. Carey drove back from DIA last night and it was hands down the scariest drive of her life. Snow, ice, wind, abandoned cars, and jack-knifed semis…it was a nightmare. Best idea is to stay off the roads completely. If you’re up here, stay put. If you’re thinking about coming up, come up next weekend. If you have renters, it’s likely their flight has been either cancelled or delayed, so they should stay put as well if possible. Additionally, the intersection of CR 14 and Melba Ln is a frozen lake right now, thanks to someone’s gushing water system, so it’s the definition of treacherous.
The boys are out all day today, so they will be getting to you at some point today. It is crazy out there though, so please be patient. We will get to you. Stay warm, stay safe, and stay off the roads.
Holy Moly! What a Storm!
Now THIS is what we’re talking about! Last night’s storm dumped almost 10 inches on our corner of heaven, and thank goodness, because we desperately needed it. Christian and Clint are out all day today and tomorrow to get you guys cleared out, so rest assured, you will see them.
As always, we ask you not to text, call, or email either Christian or Clint while they are out on the route. This is because it can distract them and cause delays to the route, taking even longer to get to you guys. You know you don’t want that, and neither do we. If you have questions or concerns about your service, contact Carey Bjornnes or Christin Lander and we can get you sorted out.
With a storm this size, everyone is going to get done, so please be patient and know that you’ll see our vehicles rolling through very soon.
Stay warm, and honestly stay inside. This one is a doozy and the roads are a mess. Better to stay put with a roaring fire, cocoa, and slippers.
Finally some decent snow!
Hooray! We finally got some measurable snow, with this small storm dropping just about 3.5” on our little corner of Valley of the Sun. Even though it’s under trigger, we are still going out to check driveways and clean up the ones with 4” or more. Don’t be surprised if we come, check, and don’t push, because there’s too little snow in the driveway.
As always, we ask that you don’t text, call, or email Christian or Clint while they are on the route. This is a distraction, causing delays to the route and possibly even damage to our equipment or your property. We know you don’t want that and neither do we! If you have questions or concerns, call Carey Bjornnes or Christin Lander, and we can help you out. Also, please refer to previous entries on the Snow Blog if you’re wondering why we plow the way we do.
Stay warm out there, guys!
Good storm ahead of a warm weekend!
Good morning! This storm kind of came out of nowhere and dropped just about 4 inches on Valley of the Sun. Too bad it obscured the meteor shower, but maybe we’ll get lucky tonight.
Christian and Clint both headed out before sunrise to get started on the route. Heck, they were out before the county even came up 14! With how cold it has been, this should be pretty quick and easy, but of course if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Carey and I’ll get you sorted out.
As always, we ask that you do not call, text, or email Christian and Clint while they are out on the route. We want them to be safe, and we know that you do too. Carey can answer all your questions, so just ask her. :)
One last thing- if you’re looking to see some pretty lights, and the meteors just aren’t doing it, check out the Town of Fairplay Annual Holiday Lighting Contest. The town will be lit up and looking it’s best tonight, Thursday December 14th. Get out and enjoy all that glitters!
Happy December!
We are off to a great start for the holiday season! We got a decent storm this weekend that dropped a little over 8 inches on Valley of the Sun, with lots of gusty winds and bitterly cold temperatures. Looks like winter has finally decided to stay. Hooray!
Christian and Clint headed out Sunday afternoon once the storm stopped to get started on the route. They will be out all afternoon and evening, and again all day Monday. Due to some mechanical delays, we will be plowing exclusively in our equipment for this storm, even at the lower elevations, so you can expect it to take them the full 48 hours, as agreed to in our terms.
Just a quick reminder of a few things that we talked about during the last storm:
If you are on a monthly contract, you don’t need to call us to plow. As long as there are 4 inches of fallen snow on the ground, we will be there.
If you are on a one-time push or reduced rate contract, text Carey or Christin and we will make sure you’re on the route for this storm.
Our terms state that we will have your driveway plowed within 48 hours of a storm ending. This means that once the storm stops, we will start the route, and have 48 hours to clear your driveway. Please be patient, and understand that there are 149 other people just like you, waiting for us to clear them out, and just like you, they all agreed to our terms which gives us 48 hours to get to them. We insist on starting after the storm ends so that we can maximize our efficiency and not waste your money plowing several times for the same storm.
We don’t alter our route unless it is an emergency, so please do not ask us to. No exceptions. We plan our route well in advance so that we can maximize our time and minimize our fuel usage. Dropping everything to come to you not only wastes time and fuel but also delays the rest of the route, which is unfair to the rest of our clients.
Please do not reach out to Christian or Clint while they are plowing. Answering client questions can be a distraction and can cause delays, as well as put their lives and your property at risk. We all know no one wants that, so if you do have questions, please reach out to Carey or Christin, and we will respond to you as soon as it is possible.
One last note:
If you have renters, please advise them to obtain snow chains at Napa in Fairplay, or AutoSocks at Al-Mart in Alma. The snow is light, but wet, so it’s pretty slippery out there. Traction devices are essential for driving on the roads up here right now. It’s a lot cheaper to buy AutoSocks (~$100) than to pay for a tow truck (~$300).
Stay safe, warm and cozy, folks!
Thankful for the snow!
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! We are grateful to serve you for another glorious winter season in South Park. But we would be remiss if we didn’t give a big shoutout to Ullr, who celebrated the start of the holiday season by giving us a White Black Friday! We woke up to about 4-5 inches on our little corner of the mountain, and the guys set off to start knocking it out after breakfast when the storm started to taper off.
For those of you who are new this season, I want to start by welcoming you to the route! We are proud to be part of the South Park community and to serve our clients with integrity and care. I’d also like to let you know a few things about how we operate.
If you are on a monthly contract, you don’t need to call us to plow. As long as there are 4 inches of fallen snow on the ground, we will be there. This is a fire and forget situation.
If you are on a one-time push or reduced rate contract, text Carey or Christin and we will make sure you’re on the route for this storm.
Our terms state that we will have your driveway plowed within 48 hours of a storm ending. This means that once the storm stops, we will start the route, and have 48 hours to clear your driveway. Please be patient, and understand that there are 149 other people just like you, waiting for us to clear them out, and just like you, they all agreed to our terms which gives us 48 hours to get to them. We don’t require this out of laziness, but rather so that we can clear driveways to our exacting standards, and make sure that everyone gets got in a timely manner.
We don’t alter our route unless it is an emergency, so please do not ask us to. No exceptions. We plan our route well in advance so that we can maximize our time and minimize our fuel usage. Dropping everything to come to you not only wastes time and fuel but also delays the rest of the route, which is unfair to the rest of our clients.
Please do not reach out to Christian or Clint while they are plowing. Answering client questions can be a distraction and can cause delays, as well as put their lives and your property at risk. We all know no one wants that, so if you do have questions, please reach out to Carey or Christin, and we will respond to you as soon as it is possible.
Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Happy winter, everyone!
Welcome to the 2023/2024 Plow Season!
Welcome back to all our returning clients, and welcome to the route to our new ones! We are so grateful for your business and your continued support of our family-run company.
As a reminder, please check our page on Why and How We Remove Snow if you have questions about your plow service. This page will explain everything you need to know about how our service operates. Any new clients are encouraged to join our text message alert system so you can stay up-to-date with new blog posts here on the Snow Blog, as well as emergency information* for the neighborhood. If you haven’t joined yet, please reach out to Carey and she will add you manually.
Though Ullr may be slacking so far this year, please rest assured that the snow will come and when it does, it will be in abundance, so don’t fret about getting your money’s worth…you definitely will. Life on the mountain can be unpredictable, but one thing is certain: snow is a way of life and life is good.
we are not an emergency alert system. Please download CodeRed for emergency alerts related to your location. For more information about winter preparedness, please refer to Ready.gov.
Once More for Good Measure
I don’t know about you but I’m so ready for Spring. I even pulled out all of our sandals in an attempt to will it into existence! It’s been a long, frozen winter, and I’m ready for sunshine and warm weather.
As we thought, we got one more good storm to finish out our winter plow season. About 4-5 inches dropped on Valley of the Sun overnight, and the guys set out after daybreak to make rounds and see who needed a push. If you have 4 inches or more in your driveway, we will be there to plow. It is more important than ever that we stick to our 4 inch rule to preserve your driveway as much as possible, as the wetness from the melting snow will make it much easier to inadvertently push around the road base and leave it a soupy mess.
As always, if you have any questions about your service, please reach out to Carey or Christin. We are happy to help!
Stay warm, and thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you this winter.
Going Out With a Bang!
We’ve had snow in the forecast for the past week and despite some early waffling, here we are with a great end of season storm to finish this year off with a bang, and possibly more to come later this week. As of writing this post, we have just about 4 inches on our deck and it’s still coming down. Looks like the snow is going to stop around 2 am, and the guys will be heading out an hour or so later. If you have more than 4 inches in your driveway, you can expect to see them sometime over the next 48 hours. To help expedite the route, please make sure that your cars are out of the way, or alert your renters to move them ahead of our arrival. Remember, we can honk and wait 5 minutes, but we have to keep things moving, especially with a big, wet storm like this one.
As always, we ask you respectfully to reach out to Carey or Christin with any questions you may have, and let the guys just focus on the route. Stopping to answer calls, texts, and emails not only delays the route, but puts their safety and your property in jeopardy. Let us help you instead! :)
Stay warm out there!
April Snow Showers Bring June Flowers
Boy, April has been unpredictable! Random (frigid) cold snaps sprinkled in between warm spells that almost make you believe that summer is coming…
The boys have been out doing some extra pushes and moving piles around to optimize the melt for your wells over the last couple of weeks, so you have possibly seen them around. Don’t forget to reach out if you need an extra push or some shoveling. They are out this week prepping some of our summer jobs by shoveling and getting a peek at what we are working with under all the snow. It’s possible that we will get another dump at the end of the week, so be prepared. We’re not quite out of this winter yet!
Speaking of summer- have you reached out about YOUR summer projects yet? If you don’t know where to start, check out our page on Summer Maintenance. It has a ton of great information regarding some of the regular upkeep required by your mountain home during the summer months. We are already in a Stage 1 Fire Ban for Park County, so we are starting Arbor jobs on May 1st! Reach out ASAP to get on our schedule. It’s filling up fast!
Roar like a Lion
Today is the last day of March, and unlike the saying, it definitely didn’t go out like a lamb. We have had high winds for days, and today was no exception. The wind drifted in several roads around VOS, including ours, and it snowed steadily all day long. By the time the storm passed, we had just under 4 inches on our deck. The guys set out a couple of hours before daybreak to get started on the route. They’re starting in Placer, and then they’ll be working on VOS, and the lower elevations.
As always, please reach out to Carey and Christin with any questions. We can see their locations, and we are happy to let you know when you might see them. Help them expedite the route by moving cars out of the way, or letting your renters know that they will need to move their vehicles as well. We will stop and honk, but we can’t wait any longer than 5 minutes before we will have to move on.
Stay warm out there!
Spring Snow for the Spring Equinox!
Sometimes the weather here is just the craziest. This storm could not make up it’s mind! First it was going to be 6-12 inches, then it was going to be less than an inch, then 3…when it was all said and done, we accumulated just about 4 inches of some wet, slushy Spring snow. The guys started the route just after 7:30 am, and called it quits around 10:00 this evening. They will be back at it tomorrow morning, clearing anyone we didn’t get to today.
PLEASE NOTE- we are having to do returns in Placer tomorrow due to several cars blocking Quartzville & Roberts Roads. If you have renters, please remind them to have the proper equipment when coming up here in the winter. Al-Mart sells Auto Socks, and we strongly recommend that anyone who doesn’t have snow tires or chains stops by to pick up a set. They’re about $100 and a lot cheaper and easier than trying to get a tow truck to the top of Placer Valley.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call Carey or Christin. We can give updates and let you know when you can realistically expect your driveway cleared, if it isn’t already.
Stay safe and warm! :)
Surprising Little Storm
There is a huge line of storms moving east and we got a little taste of it yesterday. All in all, there’s about 3-4 inches on our deck, so the guys left just before sunrise to start the route. They’ll be out all day, checking driveways and cleaning up the ones with 4+ inches. If you have 4 inches in your driveway, you’ll see them at some point. To make things run smoothly, please move your car in anticipation of their arrival.
As always, we ask that you reach out to us on the main line at 970-406-2724, or call Carey or Christin directly. We are happy to answer any questions you have. Please do not call Christian or Clint directly. They are focused on getting the route cleared, and stopping to answer calls and texts can distract them and put them and your property at risk. Remember, you don’t need to ask us to come. We operate on an automatic route when the trigger falls in Little Sacramento Gulch. We will be there, trust us.
Stay warm and enjoy this fresh snow. :)
Blizzard and Whiteout
This storm did not disappoint. As of 11 pm Wednesday night, we had at least 10 inches on our deck and it was still coming down and blowing like crazy. Christian and Clint went out mid-afternoon to start clearing some of the lower elevations, and plan to start again at about 4 am Thursday morning. We ask you to be patient as we clear the route. It’s going to take time but we will get to you, don’t worry.
This storm is, frankly, very bad. The county is still working shorthanded to clear the roads, CDOT spent most of today trying to help a semi get over Hoosier Pass so 9 was not plowed very thoroughly, and everywhere it was whiteout conditions, blowing snow and creating drifts. A friend out in Indian Mountain said they were clocking 66 mph winds at their house! My honest recommendation is that nobody tries to go anywhere if they can help it for the next couple of days. The roads are bad, and help is limited.
As always, we ask that you do NOT contact Christian or Clint while they are out plowing. They have to be sharp and pay attention, otherwise they could get seriously hurt, and distractions like texts, emails, and phone calls increase the likelihood that that could happen. Please call the main CaveBuug line at 970-406-2724 or call Carey or Christin if you have any questions or concerns.
Stay safe, stay warm, and if you can, stay home. :)
First significant storm of February!
We woke up this morning to over a foot of fresh snow on our deck! While it inevitably causes traffic headaches and school delays, there’s nothing better or more beautiful up here than that fresh powder.
Christian and Clint headed out this morning after sunrise to start the route. With this volume of snow, be prepared that it is going to take awhile to clear everyone out. Per our contract, we guarantee that we will get to you within 48 hours of the end of the storm. As technically it is still snowing, we are starting a bit early, since it’s only forecast to drop another inch or so throughout today. Please make sure any vehicles are out of the way so that our guys can get in and get out and get going onto the next house on the route. If you have renters, please relay this information to them. We can honk and wait a few minutes, but if no one comes out, we will have to move on and catch you next time.
As always, we ask respectfully that you do NOT contact Christian or Clint directly while they are plowing. This can delay the route or distract them and cause accidents. We don’t want that and we know that you don’t either. If you have any questions or concerns, or if it has reached 48 hours and you are still not plowed, please contact Carey Bjornnes or Christin Lander and we will do our best to assist you.
Holy Moly Let it SNOW!!!
Well, after weeks of storm warnings for storms that missed us and buried Northern Colorado, we finally got a good one! Yesterday’s storm dumped well over 6 inches on our little gulch in Valley of the Sun, with even more up at the higher elevations. It was a beautiful, snowy day at last.
Christian and Clint left to start their routes at about 2 am, starting in Valley of the Sun before they head up to Placer. Just to give you a heads up, it might take us the full 48 hours to clear this storm. With this kind of accumulation, it always takes a bit longer, and additionally, we are 2 trucks down at the moment, so it’s all going to be done in equipment, which is more efficient but also much slower. Please be patient with us as we dig you out. We are coming, don’t worry.
As always, we ask you not to contact either Christian or Clint directly. We want them to finish up as quickly and safely as possible, and the best way to do that is to leave them alone and just let them do their thing. If you have any questions, please call the main line, Carey, or Christin. We are happy to help if we can.